
Primary Sources:

~ Brown, John P. General William J. Palmer. Arboriculture; a quarterly magazine April 1909: 35-36.
This magazine contained excellent quotes promoting Palmer and a quick overview of his life, and was very good for filling in areas of Palmer's life during research.

~“City Founders Grave Rededicated.” 27 May, 1991.
A newspaper article that was depicting the rededication of Palmer's grave. This was a unique article, and a fabulous piece of legacy, showing that even eighty years after his death, General Palmer is still just as respected and appreciated as the day he died.

~“Krause Worked for Palmer all his Life.” The Gazette  1 Sep, 1929: Sect. 2 Pg. 6.

It provided a general oveview of General Palmer's Life, giving us a fabulous basis for research with a few general facts that we built off of during further research.

~"Life Story." Colorado Prospector 14 Mar 1909: 1.
Written shortly after Palmer's death, this article summed up his achievements, especially in the army, and was used for the "timeline" page.

~Mayberry, Matt. “The Good General.” The Gazette 9 Oct, 2000.
A great clipping that told of some of the parks, monuments, ect. that Palmer had a hand in creating that are still around today. All info, and primarily a running list of everything that the people of Colorado have Palmer to thank for. without this many parts of the legacy would not have been possible.

~McAllister, Henry. "General William J. Palmer- Pioneer Engineer." The Engineers' Bulletin Sep-Oct 1929: 1-4

The information in this article was actually all a quote of what McAllister said as the principal address on the occasion of the unveiling of the Palmer tablet at Denver Union Station on February 12, 1929. Henry was Palmer's lifelong friend and business partner and at the time of his speech held a position on the General Counsel of the D and RG Railroad Company. The article was used on almost all of the pages and was extremely helpful because it provided first-hand accounts of Palmer's actions and charisma.

~Mckeown, Bill. “37 acres of Historic Land Sold.” The Gazette 26 April, 2005.
This article from the Gazette reported the selling of Glen Eyrie, and was a key component to developing the "timeline" page. It offered some insight into more of what has been happening after the death of the General.

~ “New Portrait of Gen. Palmer Graces State Museum Walls.” The Gazette 9 Jan, 1938. .
An important piece of the timeline and legacy pages, this article was a turning point showing just how much General Palmer continued to be valued, even after his death.

~"Palmer, Empire builder, Is Praised by Anderson." 23 Apr 1937.
George Anderson is an instructor of history at Colorado College, and this article had a record of one of his lectures on General Palmer that provided some great quotes about his personality.

~Palmer, William. Letter to R.A. Cameron. 1871. History of Colorado Springs Folder I. Carnegie-Special Collections Library, Colorado Springs, CO.
This letter, viewable on the "primary documents" page
, was written as a memorandum of agreement between R.A. Cameron and his associates and William J. Palmer and his associates concerning the colonization of Colorado Springs.

~Peaboy, George. “City Founder Praised as Greatest Benefactor” 12 March, 1929.   
This newspaper clipping described the dedication of a plaque to Palmer and was extremely useful when describing Palmer's legacy.

~ “Would Palmer Like This Colorado Springs- Today?” The Gazette 24 Feb, 1980.
A persuasive article about why Palmer would like Colorado Springs as it is today, comparing Palmer's hopes for the city, with what it actually became. This source provided a excellent insight into what Palmer had planned for Colorado Springs and was very helpful on discovering some of Palmer's actions as well as legacies.

Secondary Sources:

~Fisher, John. A Builder of the West. 1. Caldwell, ID: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1939.
This book provided many photos taken of William from his birth to his death, most of which are being used on the "timeline" page.

~The ‘Improbable Story’ of Gen. Palmer, Builder of the D and RG.”  The Denver Post 6 June 1954.
The article provided a wealth of information about Palmer's life. This newspaper provided many dates for the "timeline" page, as well as various interesting facts about Palmer that were not available anywhere else.

~"Palmer, Empire builder, Is Praised by Anderson." 23 Apr 1937.
George Anderson is an instructor of history at Colorado College, and this article had a record of one of his lectures on General Palmer that provided some great quotes about his personality.

~Sanger, Ann. "Generosity of Palmer." The Gazette Telegraph 23 Mar 1972.

The article was entirely focused on Palmer's memorial statue and was the only source that gave us a lot of information on the unveiling ceremony.

~Wilcox, Rhoda Davis. The Man on the Iron Horse. 1. Colorado Springs: The Dentan Printing Co., 1959
A map inside this book gives a clear picture of where Palmer's railroads run through the state of Colorado. The picture is currently in the "actions"page.

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